The event emulates the World Café methodology to create an active learning experience based on a conversational environment in which participants reflect on the value of their interactions with the EU.
The event calls for young participants willing to reflect on EU democracy from a critical angle, exploring alternative “connections” between them and the EU beyond elections: experiencing deliberative democracy, art and cultural interactions.
A panel of experts from academia and civil society will be in charge of activating the discussion tables by elucidating on these “connections” in different phases of the session.
The aim is to fill the room with a plethora of small conversations (five people per table) that together conform a kaleidoscopic vision on alternative connections with European democracy.
Venue: Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (KVS). Lakensestraat 146. 1000 Brussel. Time: May 15th 2019, 13.30 – 18.00 // 19.00 (Social gathering)
Full programme in attachment. REGISTER HERE!